Wednesday 20 January 2016

Elements to Include in your Ecommerce Web Design UK that Can Make Your Website More Trustworthy

Running an Ecommerce website is the best way to operate a small business as you don’t have to pay for store rent and/or staff. However, all online merchants are considered capable of committing fraud until proven innocent. Most online customers know very little about Internet Security and that is why most of the time they choose to follow their instinct when making a purchase from an Ecommerce website. As owners of small businesses we can incorporate various elements in our ecommerce web design UK to enhance the overall customer satisfaction and trust.
Security Stickers:-
The reason why security companies such as Norton, McAfee Secure and Trust-e share their stickers with their clients is beyond just advertisement. When such stickers are displayed, it sends a message to online scammers that this website is not a sitting duck and the business has taken precautions in the ecommerce web design UK to protect itself against them.   
Use A Trusted Payment Portal:-
If you are accepting payments, then it is a good idea to use recognised payment portals such as Stripe, PayPal or These companies have modelled their business around facilitating highly secure payments for online businesses and people are more likely to trust your website with their support.
Your Displayed Information should be Personalised rather than Stock:-
Don’t hide behind stock photos and information. You should feel confident in sharing images and information about you, your business and your experiences.
For an expert Ecommerce Web Design UK, you are more than welcome to get in touch with at Direct Solutions, by phone on 01204 263000 or email

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