Tuesday 12 July 2016

Twitter Advertisement Policies

Twitter is considered as among the leading social networks in operation today. Even though it has not yet reached the staggering statistics of Facebook, it continues to attract substantial traffic. Today there are more than 280 million active Twitter users per month. Like Facebook, many businesses have also started reaping the benefits of Twitter advertisement. Keeping in light the growing trend it is a good opportunity that we enlighten business owners of the policies regarding posting ads on twitter. The following text mentions some of the most important polices with respect Twitter Advertisement.

Keeping Users Safe:-
People posting ads on Twitter have a responsibility for the safety, product, services or message they are trying to promote. This involves responsibility of the links within the ads, as well as for transactions and sales promoted through Twitter Advertisement. To maintain user trust all advertisers must follow the rules mentioned below:-
-         Advertisement of illegal or prohibited goods is forbidden.
-         Advertisement for products and services that are potentially unsafe is prohibited.
-         Advertisement for deceptive “Get Quick Schemes” is prohibited.
-         Advertisements that are not compatible with the working of Twitter are not allowed.
-         Advertisements that encourage users to share their login information should be avoided at all cost.
-         Advertisers need to be honest and transparent on the services they offer. The information you provide with your product should be ample and relevant to the products you provide.
-         Users should clearly understand the product or service they may be purchasing.

For expert Twitteradvertisement get in touch with Direct Solutions, by phone on 01204 263000 or email info@directsolutionsltd.co.uk.

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