Thursday 11 August 2016

How Web Designers UK can make a Website Look Fast as Opposed to actually being fast

According to research if a website is made to load one second faster it can lead to a 27% increase in conversion rates. From a sales point of view this is a huge advantage. Naturally, when a website is fast users tend to stick around for longer and they become more engaged with your content. However, does a website actually have to be fast? Are there techniques that can make your website look fast as opposed to actually being fast? Various web designers UK have started making small changes in their designs to make this happen. The following text contains more details.

Skeleton Screens:-
A skeleton screen is a blank page that appears whenever you click on a link. The screen occupies page while the actual page is being loaded. Skeleton screens are incorporated by web designers UK to give an illusion of ‘instant response’ considering the fact that they appear the instant you click on a link.

Intelligent Colour Choices:-
The colours you use have a huge impact on how your website is perceived. If you use relaxing colours, chances are that your users will feel that your website is faster than it actually is.

Button Placement:-
By placing call to action buttons in a visible location can help ensure that your user finds their way around the website in the shortest possible time ultimately giving the impression of fast browsing.

For services of expert web designers UK get in touch with Direct Solutions, by phone on 01204 263000 or email

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